What is a PDCA loop operation- Manager tends to check parameters on a current process sometimes, and control it by commanding as he think.
Experience and Action Model- 経験に基づき、それを認識(Perceive)して、共有することで「気づき」Awarenessを得る - 経験に対して、内省することで、内発的な気づきを生む。 - その気づきが、文化、環境も含めた信条・信念(belief)を変える。 -...
Learning Organization Model- The team share goal and commitment. - In Learning loop, members may change processes with "HOW-loop" and update assumptions and plan,...
Compare with PDCA and OODA# OODA loop decide to change What and Why we will do. - PDCA loop : target for predictable plan almost certainly - OODA loop target for...
Small Step for KAIZEN# My first Small Step into new business with KAIZEN - Kaizen has two definitions: + using very small steps to improve a habit, a process,...